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Dr. Kimberly


What are the signs that my child may need to see a therapist?

I often tell parents that they should trust their intuition. If you think something is distressing to your child, its definitely worth having a discussion with a professional to explore the situation.


Dr. Williams is a Pediatric Neuropsychologist and Clinical Psychologist with offices in Long Island and Brooklyn, New York. She has exceptional expertise in the evaluation of children with academic and learning problems, psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, difficult or oppositional behaviors and those with developmental delays and social deficits. Dr. Williams also provides assessments for individuals with neurologic concerns such as tic disorders and tourettes syndrome, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries and conditions secondary to medical illness.

Dr. Williams is also an experienced psychotherapist who provides empirically based behavioral intervention strategies for children, teens, young adults, parents and families. She regularly consults and provides workshops and training in issues related to Autism, Asperger's Disorder, Nonverbal Learning Disability, Special Education and Parent Advocacy. She has also published several articles discussing the effects of affluence and overindulgence in children. Dr. Williams has made appearances on Good Morning America, The Today Show, 20/20, The Big Idea, acknowledged in the Daily News and regularly featured on Martha Stewart Radio.In 2013, Dr. Williams co-founded the Long Island Professionals in ADHD Consortium (LIPAC) and now serves as co-President and Chairman of programming.


Dr. Williams is a graduate of Spelman College, earned her Doctor of Psychology at The Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology (The College of William and Mary, Norfolk State University, Old Dominion University and Eastern Virginia Medical School). She received her advanced training through Cornell Weill Medical Center at Lincoln Hospital and NYU Child Study Center and went on to join the faculty group practice and serve as Clinical Instructor of the Department for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the NYU Langone Medical Center, before opening her private practices.

Ask the doctor


Toddlers and Younger Children

  • Delays in speech, language, walking, scribbling and coloring

  • Preference to play alone and limited social interaction

  • Overly sensitive to noise, textures, smells or certain tastes

  • Picky eating and low nutritional food intake

  • Problematic toileting training, bedwetting and other bathroom issues

  • Trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep or sleeping in their own bed

  • Extreme temper tantrums

  • Self-injurious behaviors

School Age and Older Children

  • Significant decline in grades or an inconsistent performance

  • Excessive school absenteeism, tardiness or suspensions

  • Erratic social relationships, new unfamiliar friendships, lying

  • Unexplained sadness and tearfulness

  • Social withdrawal or isolation

  • Decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities

  • Insomnia or increased fatigue and sleepiness

  • Irritability and frequent mood swings

  • Excessive worries, rituals, hoarding

  • Physical complaints for no reason(ex. headache, stomachache, or not feeling well)

  • Aggressive behavior (ex. biting, kicking, or hitting)

  • Bullying victim or perpetrator

  • Signs of alcohol, drug or other substance use

  • Life transitions (ex. relocation, divorce, family stress, legal)

  • Experiencing a traumatic event or emotional, sexual, physical abuse

  • Bereavement issues

Dr. Williams have exceptional expertise in the evaluation of children with academic and learning problems, psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, difficult or oppositional behaviors and those with developmental delays and social deficits.

Kimberly S. Williams, Psy.D. | New York

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